Wellness Retreats on my Radar
T H E P R A C T I C E // D I G I T A L
One single in-person class was all it took to make me fall head over heels in love with THE PRACTICE + the energy of it’s founder Camilla. It was on our honeymoon that I found her teaching at the chicest pilates studio, Remedy, in Stockholm where she shares her incredible method; taking you on a journey that ignites from within + sparks a whole new perspective on the meaning of self-love. Camilla is bringing her wisdom to the world in her digital masterclass which takes place over a 5 week period where she will share a weekly cooking class + a weekly movement practice. Wait till you experience her energy.. I simply cannot wait for this one.
Learn more // T H E P R A C T I C E
C O R E S T A T E // I R E L A N D
Two full days in the magical presence of Audrey, founder of the global digital pilates brand CORESTATE, is a treat to dive right in to with all your being. I am blessed to call Audrey a dear friend IRL, however beyond knowing her, Audrey is an incredibly accomplished pilates teacher with a (fabulously firey) twist. Bringing her own blend of magic to each class + in every part of her practice beyond the mat Audrey is someone who ignites a genuine + deeply connected love of movement, the mind-body connection + the long-term benefits of taking care of + loving our bodies.
Learn more // I C E H O U S E H O T E L
A R T A H // D I G I T A L
With a deep appreciation of the foundational values + practices of ARTAH, as brought to life by Rhian Stephenson, I am here for just about everything Rhian says + teaches. Already a member of the wellness brand’s monthly membership where one is invited to delve deeper into a healthy, loving + nurturing relationship with food + movement, I can safely say that this is one to make a priority note of if you’re looking to recharge without the too taxing an investment. With the accessibility of doing it virtually, this recharge focused retreat will be wholesome, manageable + eye opening.
Putting it all into one simple quote, Rhian says of her practice “I want people to experience the LIFE CHANGING effects of nutrition, not by focusing on what NOT to eat, but by focusing on quality, flavour+the enjoyment of real food”
Learn more // A R T A H
A L L E Z // G R E E C E
A more recent find in my own world, I came across Marion Pearce of Allez during lockdown life + the need for something to change up my at home workouts was answered. Having a spin bike at the house I was delighted to invite Marion + her team into my days as her energy is electric! Along with her high-vibe cycle classes, Marion is a super beautiful yoga teacher - her House Party classes are fire + so will, I can only imagine, her yoga retreat be this May.
Learn more // A L L E Z
A R T A H // S P A I N
With a high emphasise on stress reduction, this is another curated health journey by ARTAH, this time in person (they also have others too) alongside barre teacher Ellya Sam + yoga instructor Olivia del Balzo. Over the 5 days, ARTHA one can enjoy hikes, therapeutic treatments + quiet time to switch off from the world. Alongside all of this soul nourishment, the food at ARTAH is focused on nutrient dense meals that heal + fuel + encourage the body’s natural processes at acellular level. This one is majorly on my vision board..
Learn more // A R T A H
M A I A W E L L C O // T H E C O T S W O L D S
Having dipped in + out of the beautiful world of Maia Wellco over the past few years myself, I can safely say that this escape will be, without a doubt, something for every part of you. Gentle in her delivery yet rooted in a strong physical practice + an obvious mastery of the practice of pilates, Maia Wellco’s founder, Zoe is an entire tonic for the mind, body + soul.
Learn more // M A I A W E L L C O