Living Healfuly

Laura Beckford of Supernova Living, The Interview

Life, WellbeingRebecca O'ByrneComment

Laura, how tell us a little about your journey into the health industry and how Supernova Living came to be..

Hello, firstly thank you so much for wanting to interview me for your beautiful website. 

My journey into the health industry was a pretty spontaneous one, I have always lived a holistic life, being brought up on homeopathy instead of pharmaceuticals, living in a vegetarian house, my dad is a Reiki Master and my aunt is a Naturopath, this way of living was just ‘the norm’ for me and I only realised it wasn’t for most, the older I got. After being a TV presenter for a few years, I opened a children’s casting and modelling agency, Ology Kids Casting, aged 22, which is still going strong but I wanted to spend more of my life living my passion, which is health and wellness. So after years of people continually asking, “how was I always so positive, rarely ill and always have so much energy?” I thought it’d be great to create products which we, as a family use, and helps us in all areas of life on a daily basis, presented in a luxurious and modern way. The first product came from a need to initially help my husband, who was a professional footballer at the time, to create super pure, plant-based protein powder and support what a professional athlete needed, which was much more than just protein. Ingredients to reduce stress in such a high pressured environment, reduce fatigue and inflammation, increase stamina, focus and endurance and help with gut health which most men don’t acknowledge or talk about at all. This was the start of Supernova Protein and we’ve since been developing products specifically tailored to the needs of men and women, which we did a lot of market research on.

As a tried-and-tested customer, it feels the essence of the brand is about living a beautiful life from the inside out, how best would you describe the philosophy and heart of the company?

What a lovely description of the brand, thank you. Quite simply we’re creating products that we, as a family need and we’re genuinely passionate about; our brand is our way of living with honesty and integrity which is so freeing. I couldn’t release products which I didn’t believe in or use every day. I do love being surrounded by beauty, as Marie Kondo says “it fills me with joy” and raises my vibration but that beauty comes in so many forms. It could be the mist of our lawn at 6am, the contagious giggling of our children or the smoothness of our hand carved coconut wood scoops, made from a small village in Vietnam. It sounds cliched but I do find beauty, joy and inspiration in so much. Our philosophy is to create the highest quality wellness products, with integrity, to elevate the body and mind as a whole. To help create balance in all areas of life as we lead such fast faced, demanding lifestyles.

You currently have three proteins and the (most amazing) cans to shake up delicious drinks in, can you explain to us your process in creating each product thus far..

I briefly mentioned that the MAN 02 product was the one we initially developed, for my husband, as a substitute for the whey proteins n the market that are so full of chemicals, sugars and artificial ingredients that he was being given at the professional football clubs he played at. For such a high pressured profession, we felt he needed much more than ‘just protein’ to succeed and thrive. He also suffered with digestive problems so we wanted gut health to be a focus, more energy, as well as ingredients to reduce stress, anxiety, increase focus, stamina and endurance and aid with recovery and fatigue. His statistics went through the roof after using Supernova Protein, instead of the ones he previously used and all his teammates were wanting his blend, so we thought we’d try and make a bigger batch and it sold out within weeks. From experimenting myself with this powder, I personally wanted an easy, go to blend that ticked all the things I wanted! More energy, gut support, anti ageing ingredients with masses of antioxidants, anti stress ingredients, hormone balancing and immune boosting. So we developed the WOMAN 01, which is now our best seller. The NAKED 00 was born from the desire to create the purest powder, without stevia for those who might not want a cacao based blend. The Supernova Can was always in the pipeline but we just couldn’t find one that ticked every box, I always used to use a glass bottle, but it was so heavy and I would constantly smash it when I put my handbag down and end up with water all over a shop floor, restaurant or my car! I then bought stainless steel bottles but when in the gym or driving they were too difficult to drink from and I would regularly spill water or the shake all over me! Plus they were really difficult to clean or put the powder into with a small opening. So we developed the Supernova Can, which is Stainless Steel, not plastic, so doesn’t leech chemicals into the drink. Lightweight, easy to carry, non drip, keeps it cold or hot for up to 12 hours and is a great travel size of 400ml. Plus it has a wide straw which is a pleasure to drink from and a durable outer coating in a sleek, modern design, unlike anything else out there. We love it.

Is there a plan to extend the product range?

Yes, creating and developing is my passion. We hope to release a product in Spring 2020 which we feel a large majority of our demographic will need and we’re also working with a factory now to create an innovative product inspired from something my mother gave to me as a child which I know you will love. As a brand we want to stay innovative and pioneering in the wellness industry, as it is so saturated. Unfortunately, as a small business this takes time but we want to get it right and only release products we’re super passionate about and know are not only beautiful but also highly effective.

Your branding is stunning, what inspired you to create such a beautiful, sleek and elegant vibe?

Thank you so much, branding is something I adore and although it seems a little superficial, it is the initial perception of a brand and ours had to show quality and luxury from the outset. There is a still a big stereotype of protein brands being a big black plastic tub with a huge body builder on the front. We wanted to get as far away from that as possible and show that protein is also essential for overall wellness. Amino acids are necessary for hormone production, hair, skin and nails as well as to replenish muscles after a workout! We’re a lifestyle wellness brand and want to show that health is not just about taking a powder, including ours! It’s a mindset, daily rituals, nutrition and exercise to elevate your life. Health is not a destination, it’s a continually evolving journey and needs attention every day which is why we show our personal experiences and how we live as a family too on social media. We also felt simplicity is important in our branding for ‘wellness’ as a concept can sometimes be overwhelming and people don’t know where to start, Supernova Living is about elevating your mind and body with ease. One to two scoops of powder a day with plant milk, it couldn’t get much easier!

You work alongside your co-funder and husband, Jermaine, how do you navigate a high-pressure working relationship with your husband and do you have any tips on working with a spouse?

I always said I would never ever work with my husband. I thought it was a recipe for disaster. He’s so laid back and I’m so motivated and driven, that’s why we work as a couple and ironically that’s why our working relationship is also proving to be great and epitomises Supernova Living philosophy of balance. Jermaine said in an interview recently that we are each other’s adaptogen, we keep each other in balance which is so true!

We wanted to work together as we simply wanted to spend more time together, as a family, as a couple and to travel together. I’ve always thought if you’re lucky enough to find someone who you adore and want to spend your life with, why do you go to work 10 hours a day, five days a week, with other people?! It’s great that Jermaine and I still have other passions that we work on each week, my other business, Ology Kids Casting and Jermaine is commentating and presenting for Sky Sports, Talk Sport and BBC Sport so we till have other ventures to discuss with each other which I think this is important.

My main advice would be to find what each of you excels in, this has taken us 12 months. Inevitably as a small business you both have to do everything to start with, whether you like it or not! Always listen to the other person’s perspective and opinions as it makes you think outside of your own mindset. Make time for you as a couple, not work related, time not spent talking about work or you could risk becoming colleagues first and a couple second! Appreciate each other, when you’re working together, you don’t have a boss to say ‘good job today’ or award you with ‘employee of the week’ so to just be grateful of each other and vocalise it.

What has been one of the most formative experiences thus far for you in building up Supernova Living?

So many lessons have been learnt on our journey with Supernova, which I love as we always want to continue to grow and evolve as people and a business. I feel my childhood and mindset instilled from my parents has been the most prolific experience to set a precedent for Supernova Living. The foundations of listening to your body, we usually know instinctively what we need and to work on acknowledging that instinct. To look at what we’re putting into our bodies, question whether it’s right for us and don’t always trust huge companies just because they say it’s ‘ok’ and have the strength to go against convention if necessary. My mother taught us about manifestation so it’s always been a natural part of our lives, visualising and being grateful creates more opportunities. My experiences of holistic medicine from homeopathy, acupuncture, Chinese Medicine and Naturopathic Medicine have had such a positive effect on our lives it’s definitely had an influence on developing Supernova Living. Have integrity and do the right thing when no-one is watching, that’s one of my favourite philosophies, along with ‘to thine own self be true’, which my dad wrote on my 18th Birthday Card. Also life lessons such as never expect anything, be humble and kind.

And perhaps you’d share your most notable failure to date and how it helped you grow both personally and professionally…

I’ve been racking my brain for this one and think I am struggling because I try not to see experiences as ‘failures’ I just don’t compute them as a ‘failure’ as they are simply lessons that I can learn and grow from. I don’t see them as a negative. There have been lots of things that I have done wrong; I apologise, rectify it and most importantly make sure it doesn’t happen again. We’re currently out of stock of all sachets, which I am very frustrated about and could see as a failure but it’s because we have had an influx of stockists and demand. So although this could be viewed as a ‘failure’ (and is very frustrating to me) I need to see it as a fantastic progression that they’re in such demand. I know this isn’t probably the answer you’d like so I do apologise and trust me I do get things wrong but I feel it’s all perception and there is no benefit to acknowledging anything we do as a failure, it will only create negative energy.

Seeing a gap in the market for a simplified but high-quality protein powder, sans all the horrible additives that so many are privy to, Supernova is really making a mark on the industry, positioning yourselves as a truly reliable substitute to other well-known market leaders - how difficult is it in reality to break into that kind of oversaturated market?

I think starting any business is incredibly difficult, on so many levels, emotionally, financially, physically. To develop a product with USP’s and to get awareness for the product is a real challenge, especially as a small business when we’re up against companies who have millions of pounds of investment or have global awareness from being in business for decades. We’re crazy aren’t we?! We obviously did do research before we developed Supernova Protein but I’m a big believer in focusing on your own journey and not worrying about others around you. We do find it very difficult to get awareness for us as a new brand, as some still see it as ‘a protein powder’ when it is so much more than just protein. We find educating our customers and the press on the unique ingredients is the key and giving them the opportunity to sample the powder. There seems to be an association with wellness powders and vegan proteins as awful tasting and gritty texture which we focused on in our development process. We still have a long long way to go and we’re a very ambitious company. We really do appreciate all the magazines, influencers, bloggers and customers who we have never paid, who can see our vision and have supported us since the beginning, it’s these people and companies who can make or break a small business so it means a lot.

Starting any new business is a huge risk and comes with many complications, what advice would you impart to those at the beginning of such a process?

Jump and the net will appear! I am pretty spontaneous and don’t have the same cautiousness that most do, apart from money. I don’t worry about what people will think but I am careful with money. Fear plays too much of a role in peoples lives and prevents people doing things they love and are passionate about. I would recommend to plan and do research before starting, look at your finances and plan how you will invest money in the business and also have enough to live, it’s boring but imperative. Aim high, I have huge expectations and I work incredibly hard to achieve them. I see from people we interview for jobs that not many have so much drive or desire to succeed, if you are your own boss you HAVE to have self discipline and drive to succeed as no-one else is going to tell you to get up and do the emails or be proactive in the business. To find the drive you have to start a business that you’re passionate about or it will feel too much like ‘work’ and you won’t succeed. Surround yourself with likeminded, positive people and get help from specialists with skills that you may not be the greatest at. Perhaps invest in a PR agency and a business coach for guidance now and again. I’m nowhere near where I want to be yet but I know I couldn’t work any harder, I plan to work smarter to get the same results….it’s a work in progress!! Create a life that feels good on the inside and not just one that looks good on the outside.

What does a day in the life of Laura Beckford look like and what role do you play in the daily running of the company?

A busy one! I get up at 6am, drink a pint of water when I wake, go over emails and highlight important ones I need to address urgently. I then do a mini meditation or yoga to wake me up and put me in a positive frame of mind. I body brush and if I have time I’ll do a 10-15 cardio in our gym to raise my vibrations and mindset to start the day. This can take no longer than 20 minutes in total as I then have to get the children up and ready for school and is my ideal way to start the day, it does not happen every day though!! My husband and I are a great team in the morning and have specific roles to get them out of the door on the school run by 7.30am, if I take the kids I listen to a podcast about business on the way to the office or back home, then I make lists! I love lists. A list to our creative team, a list to our executive assistant, a list for Jermaine and myself for life jobs and also Supernova jobs all whilst having a WOMAN 01 with plant milk! My days are so varied, I can be meeting a new stockist, journalist or sampling at events, festivals or partnerships like Barrecore, Lululemon or Facegym. I do spend a lot of time on emails, as I do everything for Supernova from designing, developing, invoicing, marketing, social media. I am trying to delegate and we are starting to hire people but it’s difficult as I have very high expectations. It’s especially busy at the moment as we’re improving and making a new batch of each blend which is always difficult as I’m so conscientious to get the right certification, organic, processing etc to make sure it’s as pure as we want. If I have to pick the children up, my day is short, as I leave at 2.30pm, then I’m mum and take them to tennis, netball, football, swimming, horse riding etc! I do try to be present with them but it’s difficult especially when I have emails coming in every day that are important and I need to reply to. I always put them to bed and then maybe do a Peloton session, or yoga at home or a couple of of times a week I go to play tennis (which is my sanity saviour!) I get my laptop back out at 8pm and will usually work until at least 11pm. I love to unwind at the end of the day in our far infra red sauna with Headspace on, followed by an episode of Working Moms on Netflix!

You’re a busy lady Laura, with your young family, two flourishing businesses (Laura also owns Ology Kids Casting) and generally just being a superwoman, how do you find balance in your life or time for yourself though?

I’m certainly not Superwoman! It’s a daily challenge and I have to remind myself that it is not an ultimate destination, as things are always changing we have to adapt. Which does fit in with the Supernova Protein as the adaptogens literally adapt to what your body needs at a certain time!!  

Ironically it is a challenge for me everyday whilst the business is still so young but it is at the forefront of my mind as I believe balance is so important for a happy life. My children give me the balance I need as they are my first priority which makes me cook healthy meals, get outside and exercise with them, play and be silly, which is underrated as an adult. My husband also makes me switch off by dragging me out for brunch or for a bike ride if I’m super stressed. I also always make sure I go to play tennis if I can as it’s my two hours in fresh air that’s just for me. I am always busy but I like it that way. I also write down every few weeks the areas of my life such as friends, family, me time, work, exercise etc and see where I am spending most of my time and perhaps reassess which areas need more attention.

Do you have any daily routines or rituals you can’t survive without?

A pint of alkaline water on waking, Supernova WOMAN 01 every morning, lists, Neom Face / Body oil, being outside, preferably on the beach, in the woods, in the countryside where we live, kissing my children goodnight.

What's your guiltiest pleasure?

A vegan chocolate mochi ball by Mini Moons…..SO good but I don’t feel guilty about it!!

What is your beauty routine and what are your favourite brands?

I’m pretty low maintenance with regards to beauty, I’m a big believer in if you eat pure organic food and a lot of filtered water, your skin will glow naturally. I am at my happiest without make up, hair in a bun on the beach in the sun. I always body brush and use Neom oil and Ren shower products. That’s all I use!!

If you’re hitting up the gym, which classes or trainers are you loving right now?

We’ve just partnered with Hero Wellbeing and their new space at Angel Gardens in Manchester which is just fantastic for all types of workouts, it’s inspiring. I love yoga and have practiced since I left ballet for yoga at 15. I regularly do Tara Stiles workouts at home and whenever she’s in the UK, Claudia Mirallegro does a great hip hop yoga class at Lululemon in Manchester and Barrecore too. When in London I love Louisa Drake and Simone De La Rue as I used to dance as a child so love the choreographed classes. I do try to get to a pilates reformer class whenever I can and although I’m not a lover of high intensity classes I’m really looking forward to trying The Trip by Les Mills in the Cycle Studio at Hero. I also love outdoor tennis too.

If you had one more hour in your day how would you spend it?

Going to the beach with my children.

To what do you attribute your success thus far with Supernova Living?

Tenacity. I don’t look left or right, I solely focus on our journey, how we can continually improve and I don’t accept no for an answer!

With all it’s pros and cons, social media can, at times, be a real pressure to depict the picture-perfect life. Do you feel it and how do you deal with that strain?

Yes, I think it is inevitable. We were having this discussion in the office earlier this week and I started Instagram on my personal account as a ‘photo album’ of our life. All the best bits to look back on, I wouldn’t choose the pictures of us arguing or crying to put in a photo frame so I don’t do it on Instagram. It has now, however evolved into this facade of life and becomes worrying when people see it as ‘real life’ not just a highlighted showreel to be inspired by. From a business perspective, it is frustrating as it’s a full time job in itself to promote a brand on social media and you can be judged by the amount of followers or engagement you get which is crazy. Life is not perfect and I do like that there are more and more accounts on Instagram, especially for young girls with women showing cellulite and rolls of skin which is completely normal, even with a healthy diet and exercise. My focus, as I briefly mentioned, is not to look at other brands in our genre and just follow inspiring businesses and accounts who I am motivated by. 

Do you have a personal motto that you live by?

Oh wow, I have so many. I love a quote and positive affirmation.

“To thine own self be true.” // “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” // ‘Carpe Diem” // “Happiness and balance are not something you find but something you create.” // “Just do it”

If you weren’t doing what you’re doing where might we find you?

I’d be expanding my other business Ology Kids Casting which I’m also passionate about.